Customer Testimonials

Your company did a very good job on my 42-yr old study Bible, considering all the wear & tear over the years!

However, I'm disappointed in the initial phone conversation I had trying to learn more about the(...)

Michael P Melody
February 27, 2024

I am AMAZED!!! The quality and service is impeccable. My dad's very USED Bible was in dire need of fixing. Pages torn out, pages ripped, the binder completely off, has been well loved. Leonard's Book(...)

Kelly Roberts
Tualatin, Oregon
February 24, 2024

Leonard's repaired several poetry books of my grandmother's as well as my great grandfather's Bible. They took falling apart old books and made them beautiful for generations. They kept true to the style of the(...)

Rachel Z
February 23, 2024

The Bible repair team repaired my 2 Ryrie Bibles better than they were new. My less than year old Ryrie was falling apart.
My older Ryrie of about 20 years by Moody, needed bad repair.
I am home now recovering from(...)

Dale P Baker
Decatur , Illinois
February 5, 2024

My family paid for my father's beloved study Bible to be rebound and repaired as a Christmas gift, and Leonard's did a fantastic job! Their communication was quick, friendly, and clear. They guided me through the(...)

Default Avatar125
Atlanta, GA
February 5, 2024

So I sent in a synthetic bible and Leonard's turned it into a beautiful leather bound bible. I went with a blue smooth grain cowhide, the leather is so soft. The workmanship is outstanding and perfect!! These guys(...)

Mike Lokken
Montevideo, MN
January 30, 2024

The bottom seem of my bible started to become unraveled. I sent my Bible to them during the holiday season was returned to me with in a month. They added the marker ribbons while they were in there as I requested.(...)

January 25, 2024

I sent an old family photo album from the 1800s in to see if it could be salvaged - it was in pretty rough shape. The restoration that Leonard's has done is beyond any expectations I might have had. What they do is magic!

G Peters
January 24, 2024

I just received my second Bible restored beautifully. I am beyond pleased not only with your artful work, but in every communication with your lovely staff. Thank you all and God Bless.

Marianne Walker
Restoration Fellowship
January 24, 2024

I had passed down to me my great grandmother's Bible which was given to her by her father over 100 years ago. The cover was in ruins and there were over 20 pages loose and or torn. I found an old Bible on Ebay by(...)

Springfield MO
January 16, 2024