Customer Testimonials

My Bible was in very bad shape. I had taped a lot of the pages so I could keep using it. When I got my bible back it looks brand new. I would highly recommend them.

Steve Britt
Britt Auto
January 15, 2024

I am beyond blessed at the restoration of my personal Bible. I have been looking for some time for a company to restore my Bible that has fallen apart in my hands. I had many notes inside and they all have been(...)

Marianne R Walker
Restoration Fellowship Glen Cove NY
January 12, 2024

I just received my rebound bible from Leonard's Book Restoration. The quality of the work exceeded my expectations. They did a beautiful job and obviously take great pride in their work. Their communications(...)

Peter Spirup
Newberg, Oregon
January 10, 2024

Leonard's Book Restoration is highly recommended by me. I sent them a cheap, synthetic covered Bible in the first printed version and text size I prefer, The original cover was cracking, and the first and last pages(...)

Winchester, KY
January 8, 2024

My Bible is 20+ years old, was missing the cover entirely, was dogeared and pages bent. I bought a zippered cover, but wore that out as well. When I learned about Leonard’s, I sent it off to be repaired, and chose(...)

Carrie Hahn
Bloomfield, Ky
January 3, 2024

Beautiful job restoring my mother's large print Bible (which I now need). I couldn't be more pleased and will eventually pass this down to my children.

George Whitbeck
December 29, 2023

My 60yr family Bible was in need of a rebinding. I searched online and found Leonard's Book Restoration. I found their website to have the info I needed as far as the process and cost. I still had a few questions(...)

Bruce E
Lansdale, PA
December 27, 2023

Leonard's did a great job restoring my book - they were able to retain the old covers to keep the original look, while reinforcing them - and they repaired the spine and binding.

Very pleased with the work done. Thank you!

Mike B
West Michigan
December 22, 2023

Sent my husband's Bible in to be rebound and repaired just a few weeks before Christmas in hopes to gift it to my husband on Christmas Day. With such short notice they were able to do all that needed done and get his(...)

Melody Bontrager
Melody Bontrager
December 19, 2023

My boyfriend's Bible was in bad shape, what with the cover flaking off into tiny pieces that clung to your hand, and the first part of Genesis that was completely separated and would fall out every time it was(...)

Huntsville, AL
December 15, 2023