Customer Testimonials

I recently received my Bible after being repaired. I’m amazed at how beautiful it is and how great of a job Leonard's Books did on the repair. They even removed my markers from the pages without hardly even noticing(...)

Mark Miller
Bremen Indiana
November 9, 2023

My cherished 20+ year old bible was started to fail. I started looking for a local company to rebind and repair it. I could not find one and turned to the internet. I looked through a lot of websites but the one(...)

Sean Tullis
Urbana, OH
November 8, 2023

After several emails and phone calls with people who spoke like OR nurses to a fretful mother, it was with much trepidation my 40-year-old, well-loved Bible went off to Leonard's Books for major surgery. Updates(...)

Margie Vance
November 8, 2023

I have an original NIV that has seen some days. Leonard's Restoration brought this back to life and very useable. I'm really grateful that I can continue to use this bible without half of the pages falling out. (...)

Daniel M
St. Louis
November 8, 2023

Leonard's Book Restoration has done a very nice job on a family Bible that had totally fell apart. They were able to rebind the entire book and replace the cover with a nice new brown leather. Cover came out better(...)

Dennis Hood
Kokomo Indiana
November 8, 2023

I want to thank everyone at Leonard's Book Restoration who worked on repairing my Bible. It is 34 years old and was in need of repair. You have exceeded my expectations in the quality of repairs you have made. I know(...)

Greg Linton
Brazil, Indiana
October 30, 2023

Leonard's is a wonderful business. When I reached out to them they were very prompt in replying. They asked me to notify them when I shipped my family Bible for repair so they could keep a look out for it. They(...)

Pam Toseki
Muncy, PA
October 26, 2023

I received my newly restored and bound Bible yesterday and am so happy! It is truly a blessing and a gift. I probably could have bought two new Bibles for the cost of restoration and but I wanted MY Bible. I have(...)

Rene’ Pingel
Cape Girardeau, MO
October 20, 2023

Leonard’s did an absolutely amazing job on the rebinding of my 26 year old Bible. The old bonded leather was looking rough, and it had completely came loose from the spine, but now it has been restored to better than(...)

Fredie Meadows
North Carolina
October 16, 2023

I am near Detroit. The local binderies which I found, there might be two, were running at at least 10 months for such work. Providentially I found Leonard's Books in an online search. They had been running 5 weeks(...)

Ann Garrison
Metro Detroit
October 11, 2023