Customer Testimonials

Cannot say enough about the craftsmanship and overall expertise displayed in the finished product! Top-notch organization from beginning to end. This restoration project was very important to me and my fiancee,(...)

Charles W. Harris
August 8, 2023

This team is absolutely amazing. They were so responsive, kind, and quick. Their attention to detail is unmatched. The work they did on my Bible turned out better than i could have imagined. Truly an answered pray.

Katie Bloodsworth
Cambridge MD
August 4, 2023

I love my Bible! Nothing is dearer to me, but with daily use over the years it was showing great wear. But now, thanks to the fine work at Leonard’s, it is beautifully restored. An expert job and quick service, too,(...)

Eileen Vance
Aurora, Ohio
August 4, 2023

I recently bought an antique book by Henry Howe from 1847 on the history of Ohio that was falling apart and decided to invest in having it restored for my personal collection. Leonard’s Books did an amazing job.(...)

Rachael B
August 4, 2023

I was very hesitant to let my most favorite beloved Bible out of my possession but it has been in dire need of a new cover for several years. It had gotten so bad that I was using another one until I finally got the(...)

August 3, 2023

I am so very pleased and grateful to Leonard's Books. After my husband had his Bible rebound there, I sent mine to them. I chose to use Kangaroo leather. When they finished the work, they were not satisfied at how it(...)

Anita Warren
August 2, 2023

I was so happy to find a book binding place for my Bible that was well worn, but I had so many notes in it, I didn't want to replace it. When I called, the one I spoke to was so willing to answer questions, was very(...)

Stephanie Wyjack
North Park Church
August 2, 2023

Great service, good communication, good quality, and quick turn-around! My bible looks and feels great and will last for many years to come.

Jill Cooper
July 24, 2023

I just got my Bible back. You have no idea of how I have missed it so. The Craftsmanship was of your work is superb! I will treasure this for many many years. Thank you so much!

Dave Fussell
Smiths Alabama
July 21, 2023

Just wanted to share the beautiful job Leonard’s did on my very ordinary-looking Cambridge hardcover large print text Bible. Amazing!

Tony Guthmuller
Upstate New York
July 19, 2023