Customer Testimonials

I recently had my NIV Study Bible rebound in the 17th Century Country Parson Hardcover. The workmanship and quality were exceptional. The work was done in a timely manner. I give them my highest recommendation.

James W Doak
Charlotte NC
January 14, 2023

I had a Nelson NKJV Bible that I had used for many years (since 1994), and a few years ago, pages started coming out, and also the bonded leather binding was tearing in a few places. I had pretty much retired that(...)

David Mills
Fayetteville, TN
January 11, 2023

We are ecstatic with the results of your refurbishing my mother's 1910 7th grade reader. It is a priceless family treasure which we can pass on to our son and granddaughter.

Sheldon S Thomas
Sheldon Thomas
January 11, 2023

Wow! They did a beautiful job of restoring the covers, reattaching them and putting the title and author on the spine. I never expected my old 1891 illustrated copy of Pilgrim's Progress to look SO GOOD! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Lon Taylor
Pilgrim's Progress
January 9, 2023

I’m so happy with my Bible. It’s exactly what I wanted and was very reasonable priced. It didn’t even take as long as expected to have the completed bible back in my hands. They even sent back my end pages (because I(...)

January 9, 2023

What a transformation… My grandmother on my dad’s side entrusted me with this very special book on my 15th birthday that was gifted to her by her parents in 1948. It was well loved and used by her for nearly 65 years(...)

Caroline Allen
Gallatin, TN
January 7, 2023

My refurbished Bible came in the mail just before Christmas and I placed it under the tree as my Christmas present. My old Bible was given to me by my Grandmother back in the 1970's and was very worn out with the(...)

Lt. Michael Brown
USAG Ft Detrick
January 7, 2023

I was thrilled with the restoration that Leonard’s Books did on my Bible. They kept all of the original pages and cover. They let me know when they received my Bible in the mail
and I really appreciated that. (...)

Malrie Nelson
Louisville, KY
January 2, 2023

My small Bible had become tattered and unbound. While only 12 years old, I had read it daily, and it was in desperate need of repair and preservation. Leonard's Books stuck it back together and recovered it so(...)

Mike Avey
Indianapolis, IN
January 2, 2023

I had Leonard's restore a circa 1814 Bible which was in very very bad condition. They did a fantastic job and exceeded my expectations as to what could be done with such a very poor condition book. It is now a beautiful Bible which we proudly display!

Derrill Wolkins
Payson, AZ
January 2, 2023