Open For Business!
Note: If you call our business line, you may get a voice mail greeting. Do not be dismayed! We are still here, and we would be glad to serve you. However, we do want you to check out our website first to see if that will answer most of your questions. The navigation links at the top of this page are a good place to start. The “How to Order” page answers many pricing questions, and “How Much Does It Cost?” will give you basic information about various kinds of repairs and restorations.

Leonard E. Haley first opened Leonard’s Antiques & Used Furniture back in 1972 in a familiar storefront in Lafayette, Indiana. After he passed away in 1988, his son Eric continued the family business, gradually adding his favorite stock — books — and changing the name to “Leonard’s Antiques & Books.”
Leonard’s was the first antiques store in the Lafayette area to go online, in 1996. Five years later, in 2001, the landmark store was closed, and Eric moved his collection of rare, out-of-print, and quality used books and magazines to a new location in Carroll County, Indiana–right next to our house in the old Burrows fire station. The name was changed to “Leonard’s Books” to reflect our new focus on both book sales and bookbinding. Today, the vast majority of our business is book and Bible rebinding.