Customer Testimonials

I absolutely LOVE my “new” Bible! What a fantastic job you did! I will totally use your services again and highly recommend you to others! Thanks so much!

Carey Brewer
May 18, 2021

I recently got my bible back from Leonard's Book Restoration and I was very pleased with the quality of their work and with the overall experience. Eric and his team were so kind, helpful and professional throughout(...)

Richmond, VA
May 10, 2021

My Bible repair was beyond anything I could have dreamed. I'm thrilled!

Brenda L Lutz
West Bend, WI
April 22, 2021

Thanks to Leonard's Book Restoration, my family Bible has been given a new life. We have had our Bible for over fifth years and it has gotten pretty worn. Got it back yesterday and it looks like it is almost brand(...)

Greenwood, IN
April 19, 2021

What a beautiful job! My poor Bible was in horrible shape, pages, chapters falling out. My binding falling apart at the seams. My Bible is my best buddy. I'm very thankful for Leonard's Restoration. They skillfully(...)

Melissa Rushing
Metropolis Il
April 19, 2021

I have lost count of how many Bibles Leonard's has rebound for me. I have used Leonard's as a gift for family members - and everyone loves getting either an old Bible or a new Bible rebound. Their service is(...)

Brian Borgman
April 16, 2021

I just received my rebound Bible, an older-style single-column ESV Study Bible in large print. The new brown pebble grain genuine top grain cowhide cover is great. It looks good, and the cover seems sturdy without(...)

Bob Boydston
April 12, 2021

I am so pleased with the job Leonards Books did to re-bind my Bible, which was falling apart from many years of use. I am glad to have it back, well assembled and in a real leather cover (not the bonded leather that(...)

Sally Musick
Norcross, GA
April 8, 2021

I was so lucky to find Leonard's book binding on line. We wanted to give our grown up daughter her favorite story book for her birthday as a family keepsake. After 50 years, it was badly worn and in pieces on the(...)

Charlene Hollingsworth
Bradenton, FL
March 30, 2021

All I can say is WOW. I just got my bible back that was falling apart when I sent it in and it is like new again now. Thank you so much for the fantastic job, you guys are the best!!

Matt Preiss
Capom Bridge, WV
March 30, 2021