Customer Testimonials

I sent this company a Bible with a hard cover I wanted swapped out for a soft cover so I could use it more comfortably & conveniently. I chose the American West III brown calf skin. The Team at Leonard's was more(...)

Blaine Cardilli
March 5, 2020

I just received my Bible in the mail and it looks GREAT!
The work and craftsmanship of the new leather is FANTASTIC!!!
I couldn't be more pleased with the results!
And as HAPPY as I am, I am even more impressed(...)

Darrell Ford
Cleveland, Texas
March 5, 2020

I had a wonderful experience! Helpful, quick responses, and beautiful work. Highly recommended for anyone who wants precise and quality service!

Natalie Adams
March 5, 2020

I am so pleased with my rebound Bible -- a nearly 30-year-old Bible that was tattered and torn has received new life! It is absolutely beautiful, and I received excellent customer service, with someone keeping me in(...)

Akron, Ohio
February 29, 2020

My experience with Leonard's was excellent from start to finish. They kept me posted every step of the way on my book's progress. The National Game, restored, is one of my most treasured books in my baseball library.

Joe Guzzardi
Pittsburgh, PA.
February 21, 2020

I can't recommend Leonard's highly enough. My Bible's binding looks and feels far better than it did new. I had sent a different Bible to another book binder and was disappointed that it was returned with much(...)

Lea Ann
February 19, 2020

The cover of my 25+ year old Bible had disintegrated to the point where I could no longer use the Bible. I had collected notes throughout the years in this Bible that I wanted to be able to use. I found Leonard's(...)

Mark D Jensen
February 17, 2020

My leather-bound New Scofield Reference Bible I got 45 years ago in 1975 was starting to come apart. Leonard's gave me my Bible back beautifully rebound with stunning durable new leather. It's absolutely beautiful,(...)

Jon Quinley
Alpine, California
February 17, 2020

What a very easy and great experience. The crew at Leonard’s was very communicative and made the process a snap with easy instructions along the way.

Daniel Jobe
February 17, 2020

I have had my Bible for a month now and words cannot express my sincere gratitude for the restoration that Leonard’s Books did. When I dropped it off I was able to choose my favorite leather. The email communication(...)

Leslie Andres
Harrison, Ohio
February 6, 2020