Customer Testimonials

I felt nervous about sending my Bible off for rebinding. Leonard's was kind and attentive, letting me know when it arrived so I could relax. Friendly emails clarified what I wanted and kept me apprised of progress. I(...)

Kim Cissell
Pasadena, Texas
December 30, 2019

I am very pleased with the rebinding and repair service provided by Leonard's Book Restoration. My Bible was in poor condition and I received my "new" Bible the day after Christmas and I am very satisfied with the(...)

Boyd Graham
Battle Ground, WA
December 27, 2019

I love the new burgundy Scapegoat cover on my NIV Study Bible! I had put off sending it in for repair because I couldn't find a good time to be without it. Leonard's had it back to me ahead of schedule and in time(...)

Susan Simpson
December 26, 2019

This was my Dad’s Bible and my Mom asked to have it recovered. We had Leonard’s Books do it for Christmas. She was very pleased with the quality and craftsmanship. They were very accommodating in having it ready by(...)

Dianne Wade
Bowling Green
December 21, 2019

My bible is now fully restored! There were torn pages and loose sewing causing more pages to fall out. Leonard’s Book Restoration made the process easy to understand and quick to be serviced. They answered all(...)

December 21, 2019

I am happy with my rebound Bible. Sending it in and letting it go for 6 weeks was not easy. It’s like dropping off your first born at summer camp for the first time. This isn’t the Bible I preach from, it’s the Bible(...)

I have had Leonard's Books rebind three Bibles. Two were premium rebindings and the third was their economy treatment. I was extremely pleased with each Bible. Even the economy version was beautiful. Leonard's(...)

Charles Knight
Eden, NC
December 9, 2019

From the response to my first email to Leonard's I knew they were a top-notch company. My emails were answered promptly and they were very patient with me as I tried to decide what I wanted to do. They gave me(...)

Angie Wilt
Kansas City, Missouri
December 7, 2019

Leonard's does absolutely great work!

John Matzko
Greenville, South Carolina
December 5, 2019

Gorgeous goatskin and yet another treasure. This will be handed down as an heirloom should the Lord tarry or I wear it out! Thank you!

Jeffrey Telling
Bloomington IL
November 30, 2019