Customer Testimonials

On the left you see the wonderful work that Leonard's Book Restoration accomplished. On the right you see the old cover with two layers of red book tape, the binding had been glued several times and it was falling(...)

I had my Bilbe repaired and recovered. My Bible is now home, beautifully bound and covered in a wonderful red leather that is soft and supple. It lies flat when open which was a MUST for me. This will now easily last(...)

South Milwaukee, Wi.
May 13, 2018

First off. Dealing will Leonard's was a wonderful experience. Faith when above and beyond good customer service. Keeping us in touch, sending emails, keeping us in the loop from receiving the bible to the shipping it(...)

Betty and Landon Buchanan
Roanoke, VA.
May 12, 2018

I couldnt be more pleased with Leonard's Book Restoration - Faith, Margie, and Becky made the experience exceptional in every respect. I shipped my very worn 40+ year old Scofield and Ryrie bibles off the Leornards(...)

Arlington, VA
May 12, 2018

The restoration and rebrinding job done on both of these antique family Bibles was fantastic.I highly recommend these experts.

Robert Simon
May 9, 2018

I was recently given my grandmother's Bible. It was nearly 100 years old and had shown lots of loving use. The cover was completely gone, the binding was in serious disrepair, and several Pages were torn. The staff(...)

Linda Yelton
Lafayette, IN
May 9, 2018

My 20 year old NIV Life Application Study Bible was in bad condition, the Bound Leather cover was badly worn, several pages had become seperated and had come loose.
I was looking on Google for a company who does(...)

Jim Evans
Alliston, Ontario, Canada
April 23, 2018

My wife's Bible, a gift some time ago from her mother, was in terrible shape; back cover had fallen off, pages torn and folded, etc. The staff a Leonard's, Margie, was very helpful with our questions before we sent(...)

Steve Davis
West Des Moines, Iowa
April 21, 2018

WOW! I knew from your website and Facebook page you'd do a magnificent job, but when I received my rebound Bible, you exceeded my expectations! Thank you Leonard's for such beautiful work. You were a pleasure to do(...)

Hal Austin
Morehead City, NC
April 8, 2018

I couldn't be happier with the way my Bible turned out. It had had a hard back but it was started to come apart so I had it recovered in leather. It's beautiful! I'm very happy they even took the time to(...)

April 7, 2018