Customer Testimonials

Leonard’s recovered my Bible several years ago and did a beautiful job! They have excellent customer service and answered all my questions to ensure I picked the leather and the color that was perfect for me. They(...)

Marla Watson
February 13, 2021

We just had our 3rd Bible recovered and repaired with Leonard's and we couldn't be happier. We needed page repair, binding repair, and cover replacement. The quality of the workmanship and the service has been(...)

Debra W.
February 12, 2021

I found Leonard’s on the internet, doing a search for reputable book restorers. Every communication was professional and informative. After doing some research and reading reviews I decided to send my family bible to(...)

Emma Thompson
Knoxville TN
February 9, 2021

I just received my Bible that Leonard's recovered. I am 100% satisfied with the quality of work. It looks brand new, except for all my underlined passages and notes in the margins, of course! I am thankful I found(...)

Doris Kittner
Fort Wayne, IN
February 5, 2021

We had a large Bible with hard covers from 1800s. The cover fell off the Bible and it was in very sad shape from so many moves and change of hands over the generations. Leonard Books did such a beautiful job! I(...)

JaeHi Neill
Retired from Kroger Pharmacy
January 27, 2021

I found this family bible at a thrift store and decided to take it home. It was in absolute shambles (rotted leather, covers fallen off, binding deteriorated, etc.). I contacted Leonard's Books to see if they could(...)

Moscow Idaho
January 25, 2021

I recently received my Bible back from Leonard's and was so impressed by the work and the short turnaround time! The binding had been totally separated and one large portion of Genesis had come detached. Some of(...)

Connie Sweet
Libby Montana
January 19, 2021

I received my bible this week and I have to say that when I saw it I couldn't believe how beautiful it looked. The original cover was really damaged and falling apart. It looks like a brand new bible (with the(...)

Isabel Rosado
Queens Village, New York
January 7, 2021

We live in Alaska. I sent in our 1918 US Navy BlueJackets Manual to Leonard's, the binding and cover were pretty well trashed and if not fixed it was going to start losing pages and be of no good to anyone. Our two(...)

Martha Barnett
Kodiak Alaska
January 7, 2021

This was my second bible sent to Leonards' for repair. Their work is awesome I highly recommend them for book repair. You can depend on fast and courteous workmanship.

Nicky Harcrow
January 5, 2021