Customer Testimonials

I have a Bible that is special to me and was very worn. Joe at Leaonard's Books worked with me every step of the way insuring they did only what I wanted to have done to it. Not too much replaced but just the right(...)

Pensacola Florida
January 4, 2021

Great experience. They took my worn 65 year old bible and completely rejuvenated it. Everything was done expertly. Everyone I spoke with at Leonard's was helpful, kind, and professional. I am so happy with the Bible(...)

South Carolina
January 4, 2021

Fantastic job! A 20 year old Bible good for another 50 years! Wonderful Christmas gift from my wife.

David Dudziec
December 29, 2020

I had five 19th Century books rebound in period correct leather. I received them back today.

The work is first rate with a great attention to detail. I am very well pleased.

I am so pleased I am sending an(...)

Barry Bland
December 29, 2020

I am so pleased with the rebinding of my Bible. They kept me updated on every step of the way. I would highly recommend this company.

Andrea Johnson
December 23, 2020

Leonard’s was so easy to work with. Everyone I came in contact with was so kind and very professional. The did a great job on rebinding my 15 year old Bible and I am forever grateful. I highly recommend them.

Lori Bailey
Ruidoso Downs, NM
December 22, 2020

I sent Leonard's my 33 year old Bible to have a new, soft leather cover & fix the binding. They did an excellent job, at first I didn't even recognize my own bible! They straightened out many dog-eared pages and did(...)

Jo Ramsey
December 21, 2020

I found Leonards on the internet, doing a search for reputable book restorers. Every communication was professional and informative. After doing some research and reading reviews I decided to send my family bible to(...)

Jill Schappe
St. Charles Missouri
December 21, 2020

Thank you for the great customer service! You make me feel like I’m the only order you have. A real blessing and excellent finished product too! Highly recommend!

Shelley Vogel
December 10, 2020

My 23 year old Bible was really falling apart. I’m thankful for Leonard’s restorations. They did a beautiful job! I was concerned that the red leather would be orangey, but it is a beautiful deep red color. The(...)

Vicki Marshall
December 5, 2020