Customer Testimonials

Leonard's did a remarkable job in restoring my twenty year-old Bible which had begun to come apart. Not only did they recover it with beautiful leather, but included my hand-written notes from the original inside(...)

George Kepler
December 2, 2020

Leonard's restored my 140-year-old family bible that belonged to my great grandfather. The book spine was completely missing, the front and back cover were completely detached and many pages were loose and falling(...)

D Yoder
Northern Minnesota
November 30, 2020

I just received my Bible today and I love it! I had my 20 year old Bible rebound because it was starting to fall apart and I did not want to buy another one. I love the center reference column for studying and the(...)

Indianapolis, IN
November 30, 2020

When purchasing my current Bible, I unknowingly selected a poor quality binding, and I was very disappointed in how quickly it was disintegrating. So I began hunting for a quality company to rebind it. Wow! It's(...)

Claudia Teubl
Clermont, NY
November 24, 2020

EXCELLENT WORK! My Bible came back to me in better than new condition! This particular Bible gets quite a bit of use and I don’t think it will ever have an issue again. You even managed to get the scotch tape(...)

Chuck Heady
East Peoria, IL
November 24, 2020

I sent a very badly water damaged Bible to Leonard’s Bible Restoration hoping that it could be at least somewhat improved. Throughout the process of restoration, I was contacted and updated on when it would be(...)

Janet Flowers 🌸
Myrtle Beach, SC
November 19, 2020

A few years ago, my grandparents gave me an old plastic shopping bag that was full of old (100+ years) family letters, newspaper articles, and documents that they had kept in a basement closet for many years. This(...)

Justin Paris
November 18, 2020

A few days ago, I received my Father's restored Bible from Leonard's. It was a 1950's era Bible and with a taped together cover and some damaged pages. Leonard's repaired or replaced the damaged pages and covered(...)

Mike Walters
Morehead, Kentucky
November 17, 2020

Sent in my Mothers old Bible that was very well worn from 42 years of use. Leonard's did an outstanding job and at what I think was a very reasonable price.

Daniel Bishop
November 16, 2020

You took my 100 yr. old traveling altar photo album and rebound it and fixed damaged pages to a beautiful condition. I am very pleased with the quality of your work and will come to you again for future book binding restorations.
Thank you.

Gary Spatta
Private / Lady Lake
November 14, 2020