Customer Testimonials

Dear Friends in Christ:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, for the wonderful rebinding of my 1978 edition of the NIV Bible in the American West Style III calfskin cover.

My Dad gave me this copy of the first(...)

Robert Kirschner Jr
September 8, 2020

Thank you so much, we are very pleased and I am very happy that we have chosen you for our restoration work. Five stars are not enough.

Sophia Carlsson
James Carlsson/Stamford, CT
August 28, 2020

I am just thrilled with the miracle Leonard's Book Restoration did with my 1950's family Bible. You almost wouldn't know that it wasn't a new original. I cried when I saw it. The pictures are too large to(...)

Lakeside Marblehead, OH
August 24, 2020

We have had a Bible and three books bound by Leonard's Book Restoration. We couldn't be happier with the quality of the work and the friendliness and courtesy of the staff. It's too bad that all of the books on our(...)

Dennis A Rasbach
August 24, 2020

I appreciate the people who are in business doing this type of work. And when the quality of the work is exceptional, satisfaction is guaranteed. The folks at Leonard's Book restoration kept me informed and were(...)

Pastor Tom Sollosi
Hagan Baptist Church
August 13, 2020

I've now had two ASV (1901) Bibles, formerly owned by my grandfather, rebound by Leonard's. Both are wonderfully bound in handsome, supple leather. They were each purchased in the 1930 and now, given reasonable care,(...)

John B
The Anglican Church of St. George the Martyr
August 12, 2020

I would like to take a moment to relay my complete pleasure with Leonard's Bible Restoration and their thorough job! They have given me my most treasured possession back - God's Word! Thank you so very much, for(...)

Reverend Tom
Working Pastor
August 12, 2020

Leonard's Book Restoration provided excellent service and repaired a Bible I have used for years. From my initial inquiry on I received helpful updates about the process. Each member of the team was considerate and(...)

Beth Easter
August 9, 2020

I am so pleased with the results of the restoration my Bible. I have so many notes written in the margins and was so concerned that I might lose my Bible somewhere along the way. The mailing instructions were perfect(...)

Linda Fry
West Chester, OH 45069
August 9, 2020

The two titles, one in rather sorry shape, were returned in very nice condition. I could not be more pleased. Cost was reasonable. Highly recommended.

Bob Tatum
July 30, 2020