Customer Testimonials

I just received my re-bound Bible and I couldn't be more pleased. It looks much better than I ever expected. The wrinkled pages are now flat again, the cover looks amazing, and all the pages that had fallen out now(...)

Susan Gravelle
July 29, 2020

My Bible was given to my mother in 1939 on the day of her Confirmation. Although not completely bedraggled it was very clearly 81 years old and had been handled throughout the years. The restoration of this book is(...)

Patricia Walker
July 29, 2020

My Bible is my authority on life with hundreds of my notes on the sidelines. When it fell apart, I did extensive research and followed a pastor’s advice, to trust Leonard’s. When I saw my husband taping his bible(...)

Yolanda Arce
July 29, 2020

Very professional. Excellent workmanship.

Corpus Christi
July 21, 2020

The work they did was exceptional. They repaired the Bible I have been using for almost 25 years. They do quality work and effectively communicate during every step of the process. I highly recommend them.

Scott Morton
Williamsville, NY
July 5, 2020

Even though I could have bought several Bibles for what it cost me to have mine rebound, it was well worth it. It was in a pretty sad state and Leonard's did a wonderful job of making it like new while preserving(...)

Cindy Bunch
N/A Charleston, SC
July 1, 2020

Couldn't be more pleased with the finished product! Way beyond expectations! Will recommend the services if I get an opportunity!

Jeremy Caler
Pagosa Springs Colorado
June 30, 2020

What a jewel! Another great job.

Dave Huff
June 24, 2020

I recently had my wife's very hard used study Bible rebound and re-covered. Several pages needed repair. The work was done with great care and the finished product was beautifully done, much better than I could(...)

Bill Blaser
Zionsville, IN
June 22, 2020

I was recently given my Grandma's well worn bible by my cousin. I wanted to have it repaired and recovered.

I received it back today and it is stunning. They recommended a new green (Sokoto morocco) goatskin and(...)

Nancy Williams
Athens, Michigan
June 20, 2020