Customer Testimonials

We just had our daughter's Bible restored. Pages were water damaged and sections were falling out and the cover needed to be redone. We gave it to her last night as her birthday gift and she couldn't get over how(...)

Heidi Jenkins
Catlett, VA
September 10, 2019

What Can I say? The Leather is beautiful, the workmanship is top drawer. I love the 3 ribbons. I like to read an Old Testament, Psalms or Proverbs, and a New Testament Passage daily. The workmanship is outstanding,(...)

Emmet Ray Mustin
September 9, 2019

I am so grateful for the LORD's showing me Leonardsbooks! They were able to salvage my favorite study Bible. They worked quickly and did a beautiful job. It turned out beautifully! I received it back just in time(...)

Amy Menefee
September 8, 2019

We just got my wife’s Bible back, it is wonderfully done. Leonard’s got what we wanted, right, and earlier than estimated.
Truly a great company!
This our second time to do business with Leonard’s. I’m still(...)

Andy Pogue
Leonard’s Books
September 7, 2019

Thank You for the care and love you gave my Bible!
I know you are guided by God to do such wonderful work.

Colleen B Reilly
Toms River NJ
August 31, 2019

Leonard’s careful rebinding of my Greek New Testament helps ensure that I will get the most out of this copy for years to come. They kept me informed at every step of the way and are reasonably priced with several(...)

Noah Hartmetz
Girard, KS
August 28, 2019

Hurricane Katrina wiped out much of the keepsakes from my husband's childhood. I found one board book that wasn't flooded but it was in pretty bad shape otherwise--rotted binding, torn pages, and showing it's age. (...)

New Orleans LA
August 26, 2019

I sent my OOP Pocket New Testament to Leonard’s in order to get a “facelift.” The original cover was cracking and a couple of the signatures were loose. I am beyond pleased with the finished product! The binding is(...)

Kris Casebolt
Knoxville, TN
August 26, 2019

I had two heirloom Bibles restored. Each were worn and tattered due to age and use. Leonard’s Books impeccably restored them. Each to be used again, studying the word of God. Cannot speak highly enough about the(...)

Billie Wisdom
August 22, 2019

I wanted a Greek new testament with just the text, no helps, critical apparatus, or definitions of rare words. Once I got a hold of one, I sent it to Leonard's to have it bound in leather. I got it yesterday, and(...)

Denny Heinle
Manns Choice, PA
August 19, 2019