Customer Testimonials

The picture on the bottom is the original photo of my Bible. My mother won this Bible at our town picnic in 1963. It was passed down to me in 2005.
The upper picture is of the wonderful restoration that was done by(...)

Darlene Davison
August 14, 2019

It was a pleasure doing business with Leonard's Book Restoration. The information they sent me made it easy to understand what needed to be done and what needed to be ordered. Their communication was timely and to(...)

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Tallahassee, FL
August 10, 2019
Steven Williams
Macon, Georgia and Aritao, Nuevo Vizcaya, Philippines
August 10, 2019

I recently received my NASB Thinline Bible re-bound in the 19th century circuit rider style. I have had this bible for several years and have been taking all of my notes in it through that time. It travels a lot with(...)

Circuit Rider
Gene Simco
August 10, 2019

I had Leonard's rebind my Bible. They did a beautiful job! I couldn't be more pleased. It's exactly as I wanted. Leonard's was great to work with. All the employees that I dealt with were professional, courteous, and(...)

Nashville, TN
August 5, 2019

My 34 year old Bible was on its last legs. Though I hadn't lost any pages, the binding was coming loose, and the cover was falling apart. I found just the information I needed on the website in order to make my(...)

Lance Duvall
Georgetown SC
August 3, 2019

Eric and his team did a remarkable job. I couldn't tell where the repairs were made. The Bible was in three pieces with the spine missing. Thank you Eric.


Jim Kendrick
North Carolina
July 31, 2019

The book came back in beautiful condition nice and clean and tight and was almost difficult to tell where the damage had been - wonderful work - will use their services again for sure

Frank Godon
Raven Wolf rare books
July 30, 2019

My bible looked pretty bad when I sent it in for repair. When it came back it looked so new I didn't recognize it as mine! Well worth the money spent and the short time of being without my bible! Highly recommend! Thank you!

July 22, 2019

I have used Leonard's Book Restoration Services for a number of binding jobs and always been very satisfied with the quality of their work. They are an observant Christian family with the highest integrity and ethical business practices.

James Chapman
North Carolina
July 22, 2019