Customer Testimonials

The entire team at Leonard's Books did an amazing job handling my precious Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal and my Book of Common Prayer and Bible. They restored both volumes with tremendous care and attention to(...)

Jack Lumanog
July 22, 2019

You'll be hard pressed to find better customer service! Emails are responded to within 24 hours, and they are very friendly and helpful! I am so pleased with the restoration they did on my Bible. And Leonard's prices(...)

July 18, 2019

My Bible was falling apart. From my initial email with Leonard's Books until I received my rebound Bible, I was impressed with the professionalism and timeliness of each communication with them. I am also pleased(...)

July 18, 2019

I could not have asked for better work in rebinding my Dad's Bible. I believe and practice the verse "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord", which makes me somewhat of a perfectionist. I was(...)

Donnie Bowers
Millboro Springs, VA
July 11, 2019

Hey, Got my re-covered bible today! Thank you so much for doing an excellent job. It looks brand new and should last me the rest of my life.

July 10, 2019

I just received my Bible today. It was hard to send it off but it was falling apart (Genesis and Exodus were paper clipped to the leather). Iam very pleased with what Leonard's did for my Bible. I have notes, dates,(...)

July 8, 2019

In the process of having this Bible rebound I had many interactions with multiple Leonard’s employees including the owner and wow, they are super helpful, clear and nice! I am very pleased with my experience(...)

Aaron J. Dodson
July 6, 2019

I just received my historical book that Leonard's Books repaired and rebound. I am very pleased with Leonard's Books service and work, and I would not hesitate to let them do more book repairs for me in the future. Excellent job, well done. Thank you!

Dan Garlanger
St. Joseph MI
July 5, 2019

We found a family bible dating to 1837 bound with duck tape from the 70s and with loose pages. Leonard's carefully restored the bible, with the pages and adding in missing ones. It is beautifully done with clearly experienced tradesmen. Stunning!

Bangor, Maine
July 3, 2019

My Bible that I use whenever I am out is on the smaller side and came with a synthetic cover. I’ve had this Bible for 10-12 years and never liked the cover. I wanted a leather cover and took a chance sending it out(...)

Duwane Rose
Waterford, Michigan
July 1, 2019