Customer Testimonials

Recently I had a Revised Standard Version Bible with a bonded leather cover rebound by the folks at Leonard's with black Soft-Tanned Goatskin. It's beautiful! I was very impressed with the quality of the work. It's(...)

Robert Drake
Carmel, IN
May 16, 2019

I've had around 8 antique (18th and 19th century) books repaired by Leonard's over the past few years and they exceed my expectations every time. This cookery book from the mid-1800s had a unique raised pattern on(...)

Sarasota, FL
May 16, 2019

This was the bible she received after her Confirmation in 1965, 2 days before we got married. It was very beat up with many moves in the Air Force and had not been used in a while. She has her study bible and many(...)

Roger Hegland
USAF (ret)
May 15, 2019

I have had two Bibles recovered by Leonard. They do exceptional work and the final product is beautiful. The Value placed on the Word of GOD by Leonard is evident, one can tell they have respect for the things of(...)

T. Haden Ledford
Farmersville TX
May 11, 2019

Great customer service and great quality work. Highly recommend to anyone. Thank you so much for restoring my old family Bible.

David Schluckebier
Saginaw, MI
May 6, 2019

Received my completed Bible today.I am extremely satisfied.I was contacted with updates throughout the process.My project was finished ahead of schedule and looks great.

May 3, 2019

I had fun with my rebinding request for my Bible...I had Leonard's Book Restoration use a kangaroo hide that I supplied to bind it with the fur still on. I can't wait to show it around church this Sunday! I might(...)

Jim Battles
Navarre, Florida in the panhandle of Florida
April 23, 2019

What wonderful craftsmen you have. Your website answered all my questions and gave me more options than I needed to choose from. Communication with your company is excellent. Easy Easy Easy!!! Fine work done in a(...)

April 22, 2019

I found Leonard's through a simple Google search but was encouraged by their thorough knowledge I saw online. I took a chance on them, sending them a treasured bible I inherited with specific instructions. They(...)

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Tess F.
April 22, 2019

This Bible belonged to my great grandmother; Matilda Van Brunt/Hallbauer; I had it restored for her son Robert Hallbauer as he had it saved for many years. It was in pretty bad shape and required us to be very(...)

Linda Rolfe
Sparks, Nevada
April 22, 2019