Customer Testimonials

I have used Leonard's to rebind several Bibles and the work is absolutely top-notch.
The quality has always been amazing and the ability to work with custom/personal requests is wonderful. I have recommended(...)

Sycamore, IL
April 19, 2019

You have breathed new life into my old friend that I bought before entering the Air Force in 1967. You managed to preserve its original appearance and all my notes on the inside covers. What a great thing to put my(...)

Stephen C. Rosene
Shabbona, IL
April 4, 2019

I am in stunned amazement at the transformation of my family Bible from a loose pile of damaged and missing pages, to an extraordinary, complete restoration that is presentable and usable, and beautiful. Complete(...)

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John H.
Wilmington, NC
March 23, 2019

I received my Bible back yesterday and am very happy with the quality of work. Leonard's reinserted some loose pages, repaired the stitching, inserted additional blank note pages and put a new leather binding on it.(...)

Kathy Pflugrad
Rome, GA
March 16, 2019

This is the second bible you have done foe me and one cookbook

Sandy collie
Benton ky
March 13, 2019

We love how the Bible turned out. It's beautiful. The workmanship is outstanding. Thank you very much.

Bernard Savant
North Carolina
March 9, 2019

My newly recovered Bible arrived today and I am thrilled. Leonard's has done a wonderful job, every step of the way. They have been professional and kind, very helpful. It feels like Christmas, my Bible with all(...)

Debbie Stahl
Churchville, NY
March 4, 2019

These guys were great to work with. They had been referred to me by a friend who had a perfect experience and I did as well. My Bible looks great and all my notes are intact. I will definitely do business with(...)

Scott Heidtbrink
Smithville, MO
February 23, 2019

My grandma was hoping to have our family bible rebound, she asked for help because her small town didn't have anyone that could do it for her. I found Leonard's Book Restoration online and it seemed like a great(...)

Pittsburgh, PA
February 22, 2019

This was my Grandma's bible, from 1960, which I inherited last year. The spine was falling apart and there was a very prominent bend in the cover. It was obvious she used it a lot! 🙂 Now it looks brand new, and I(...)

Carrie Ellis
February 15, 2019