Customer Testimonials

I received my Bible back today. Leonard's replaced the cover, did some page repair, and added ribbons, and it is absolutely beautiful. I really appreciate the care my Bible was given, the quality of work, and the(...)

Dawn Moss
Bourbonnais, Illinois
June 20, 2020

I choose Leonards Book Restoration because they do a good job of leading you through the whole process, step by step. I felt like I knew what to do every step of the process. The people are friendly and eager to serve.

Cindy Havre
June 19, 2020

I’m very satisfied with my Bible. It was a pleasure working with the staff and I am very satisfied with the binding and leather cover. I would definitely recommend them.

June 17, 2020

I am so very happy and pleased with your great quality workmanship on restoring my 50 year old Bible Thank you!

Cynthia Curulla
Canyon Country CA
June 17, 2020

I am an avid Bible journaler, and I must admit when I sent my Bible to them it was in a rather sad state. It was water-damaged and Luke through Revelation had fallen out in a big chunk. It's better than ever! The(...)

Stephanie G.
June 16, 2020

I almost cried when I opened up my beautiful recovered Bible from Leonard‘s books. I did a lot of research online before I settled with them as my choice and I’m thankful I did. Very professional. Quick. Precise. Perfect! So very happy!

Cathie Hightshoe
June 16, 2020

Just received my Bible back, with the new binding in place: the Country Parson in goatskin, with the three archival pouches included. Beautiful workmanship! I like the archival pages added: I had requested those(...)

Randy Murphey
Pleasant Prairie, WI
June 14, 2020

We had 2 family bibles restored. One was made about 1900 and the other in about 1870. The restoration was very well done and we are very pleased with the result. We recommend Leonard's for this type of work.

John W Clark
Washington, IL
June 13, 2020

I am grateful in finding Leonard’s Book Restoration nearly 20 years ago. Starting out, I wanted to save several tattered books. Not having a lot of spare cash back then, Leonard’s was understanding and helped me(...)

Heartfelt, from Billy
June 12, 2020

My parents gave me this Bible as an Easter gift on April 22, 1973. Since then, it has accompanied me to Sunday School and to church, and has traveled with me throughout my life. Wear and tear on this dear book was(...)

Diane Dahnert
Elysian, MN
June 8, 2020