Customer Testimonials

Got my restored bible back a few days ago and I'm absolutely amazed! The cover was tattered and torn and definitely needed "regeneration". Thank you Leonard's for doing just that! It is beautiful and I couldn't be(...)

No company - individual
February 14, 2019

Leonard's Book Restoration did an EXCELLENT job rebinding my Bible!! I couldn't be more pleased! I have my Bible back and it looks better now than it ever did. The best part is that the genuine leather and quality(...)

February 13, 2019

Leonard's gave me everything I asked for and more. They did it all with excellence. Their customer service also was very outstanding. What I wanted and got was a "preacher's bible," if I may call it that, with a(...)

Wayne Broaddus
Visalia, California USA
February 5, 2019

Just received my rebound Bible this morning. Very nice work indeed. I went with the "Sturdy Covers" located here:
Everything I asked for(...)

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Joseph Seman
Spring, TX
January 18, 2019

I received my Bible back from Leonard's today and could not be more pleased with the process or the results! They guided me through every step of the way to restore my 40 year old Bible which had become separated(...)

Atlanta GA
January 18, 2019

Very nice people extremely helpful did an amazing job putting pages back and making this bible strong enough to last till the rapture
Thank you

Matt N
Payson Az
January 18, 2019

So thankful for my Bible received today, 1/17/2019. I have had three Bibles rebound over a period of time. My current rebound Bible will pass on to my Son, when I have gone home. I have had 2 other Bibles rebound(...)

Darrell Burdge
January 17, 2019

Bible is beautiful!
It did take longer than I thought which required planning ahead to use another Bible while mine was out, but it was worth it. Good customer service an good communication from company over the(...)

Marie Myers
January 14, 2019

Great place to do business with. They took my wife’s worn out Bible and made it like new. All her notes in the margins were preserved along with the maps and other pages. My wife is the happiest lady in town after(...)

Bill Nix
Sebring , FL
January 7, 2019

I owned a pew Bible which was in a state of disrepair and I desired to give it a new long lasting leather cover. I received this Bible and it became by "take to Church Bible" I am very happy with the repairs and new cover.

John VanderBilt
Kalamazoo, Michigan
January 7, 2019