Customer Testimonials

My husbands 25 yr old Bible was unusable with torn/missing pages, the cover completely off and plenty of stains and folds.
We are thrilled with the finished product. It turned out even better than we had hoped.(...)

Kista Reynolds
Westfield IN
January 7, 2019

I have a Bible that was given to me as a teenager that I have not been able to use in a decade because the binding was falling apart. It is my favorite study Bible and holds sentimental value and contains many notes.(...)

January 1, 2019

I am truly pleased with the "revival" of my Bible! I had put off repairing it for many years and it had gotten to the state of not being able to use at all. I was hesitant in sending for fear of losing pages or the(...)

Elizabeth Rankin
December 26, 2018

I had to laugh when I read the pamphlet on Bible care after my restored Bible was returned. The notes read, "no duck tape, packing tape, use as a library, etc." Well, unfortunately that is what mine looked like. (...)

Barbara Kemp
Granger, IN
December 26, 2018

I just received my Bible today from Leonard 's Book Restoration. It is all I wanted and more. Its just beautiful. Thank you so very much. I am sending another Bible soon. May God bless you all. Tony

December 21, 2018

It languished in a cardboard box, often in a basement, for over 45 years after my grandparents died. At 12 lbs. it was too large to leave out in a house of 9 children. Now properly displayed and free of the smell of mildew it will get daily use.

Madeline Benson
Lenexa, KS
December 14, 2018

Very impressed by Leonard's Books. Everything from the service, to the shipping, to the communication was 5 STAR!

Brian Chima
December 11, 2018

I cannot thank you enough for repairing my beloved Bible. I have carried this Bible for over 50 years. It was a gift from my parents following my baptism. The craftsmanship is excellent. It looks better than when(...)

Terri Mansir
December 6, 2018

My rebound Bible arrived today. I had waited several weeks for it. My old Bible had lasted me over 25 years. After a long search, I finally found one just like it but in a bonded leather cover. It was new and, except(...)

Walla Walla, WA
December 1, 2018

The bonded leather cover I'd had for 22 years was getting really gross, and when my beautiful Bible returned from its facelift, I couldn't stop touching it and smelling it! So amazing!!! I used the budget option and(...)

December 1, 2018