Customer Testimonials

I have never used Leonard's. I found them online and believed that I had found a dependable and quality set of workers who cared about what they were doing.
I was given my Oxford Wide Margin KJV in 1996 by an older(...)

Jason Skipper
December 1, 2018

This makes like 5 or 6 Bibles I have had re-bound so far. Each Bible I thing is the best, most beautiful one yet, but seriously, this last one bound in Sokoto is my favorite! I love the rich burgundy look, the feel(...)

Betty Wilson
Baytown, texas
November 26, 2018

I had 2 bibles covered. These bibles are family heirlooms belonging to my grandfather and great-grandfather. The job was done expertly. The leather is so nice and the bibles look amazing! They will continue to be enjoyed by my family.

Chris Pressler
Memphis, TN
November 1, 2018

This is Bible #2 of the 10 Old Bibles we sent to Leonard’s for some restoration work.
We had this one completely rebound in the “18th Century Revivalist Style.”
We are extremely happy with the way this Bible turned(...)

Beatitudes Missionary Ministry/Macon, Georgia and Aritao, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines
October 26, 2018

This is Bible #3 of 10 Old Bibles we sent to Leonard’s for some restoration work.
We had this completely rebound in the “18th Century Revivalist Style.”
Once again, we are extremely pleased and more than satisfied(...)

Beatitudes Missionary Ministry/Macon, Georgia and Aritao, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines
October 26, 2018

Got my Bible back today and I'm impressed! New cover looks great and binding was completely redone. Looks fantastic!

Spring, TX
October 25, 2018

My husband is a preacher and had been using his bible for almost 30 years. He spent many hours studying it. The cover was worn and had come completely off. Some of the pages were torn and loose. We looked for one(...)

Glenda Thompson
Haworth, Oklahoma 74740
October 25, 2018

My grandfather first purchased this ASV Bible in 1935. Its leather cover was falling apart every time I went to use it so I knew I needed an urgent re-binding. I elected to have you select the calfskin leather guided(...)

john bowdle
greenville, sc
October 25, 2018

I praise the Lord for such great talents and expertise. I am very well pleased with the 17th Century country parson Hardcover rebind. Excellent service and overall impress. Thank you and keep up the great work.

Savannah, Georgia
October 25, 2018

The work Leonard’s does is great. I highly recommend their services!

Lafayette, IN
October 25, 2018